وما أجمل ما أورده الحافظ ابن كثير في البداية والنهاية (10/276) عن ابن عساكر من طريق النضر بن شميل
قال: ( دخلت على المأمون …
فقال : كيف أصبحت يا نضر ؟
فقلت : بخير يا أمير المؤمنين .
فقال : ما الإرجاء ؟
فقلت : دين يوافق الملوك ، يصيبون به من دنياهم وينقصون به من دينهم ؟
قال : صدقت .) أهـ
Al ‘Hāfidh Ibn Kathīr said in Al Bidāyah Wan Nihāyah: (10/276) from Ibn ‘Asākir from the path of An Nadhar bin Shamīl he said: I entered upon Ma’mūn…
Thus he said: How are you O Nadhar?
So I said: Well, O Leader of the Believers.
He said: What is Irjā?
I said: A religion which coincide with the kings, they attain with it from their world and decrease with it from their religion?
He said: You have spoken the truth.
End of Quote.
Salam Alakium,
I took this article from an archive of the blog "Sayyidoon" which was the blog of our martyred brother Abu Mus'ab Sayyid
His blog was just full of beneifical knowledge which was mainly taken from the Ulaama but also there is some writings of his own. InshaAllah I will post some of it from time to time so as we can all gain in knowledge and understanding.
can you give the link to sayyidoon?
InshaAllah I will upload it.
ok jazakallah khair..will be looking forward to it.
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